Perilous Times
Warning: Perilous Times Are Upon Us!This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 Tim.3:1-9. And as it was in the DAYS of Noah, so shall it be also in the Days of the Son of Man. Lk. 17:26.
Perilous times are upon us. The Day of the Lord is at Hand. Time is running out! The signs of the times are manifested by:
THE WORSENING CONDITIONS OF THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD: Jesus said in the last days there will be distress of nations. Lk.21:25. The entire world is plunged into gross darkness, chaos, and confusion. Men’s heart failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth. Conditions are waxing worse and worse every day. More people are suffering and dying from severe famines, pestilences, plagues (Covid 19), the sword (bloodshed, violence & crime), large scale natural disasters, economic and political problems. Matt.24; MK.13; Lk.17:20-37; Lk.21.
THE WORSENING SPIRITUAL, MORAL & SOCIAL CONDITIONS OF THE HUMAN RACE: Just as it was in the Days of Noah man’s WICKEDNESS, EVIL HEART AND THOUGHTS, CORRUPTED WAYS, and VIOLENT NATURE is at the lowest levels of moral, spiritual and social standards before God. There is no longer the fear of God in their hearts. Evil is called good: example gay marriage, homosexuality, lesbianism, abortion, adultery, and fornication. Sin is no longer considered sin. This evil condition of the human race is grieving God’s Heart. Judgement Day is Coming Soon!
THE WORSENING CONDITIONS OF ALL CHURCHES & RELIGIONS: The Churches today are in a very poor spiritual backslidden state devoid of the Truth and the Holy Spirit. They lack the Wisdom and Power of God; spiritually naked; entertain the spirit of Antichrist, the world, pride, greed and filthy lucre. They commercialize the Gospel of Jesus Christ, His Name, the Christian Faith, and the Bible to get RICH quick. They operate as profit making business organizations selling all kinds of merchandise (Books, DVDs etc.); and adopt all possible TRICKS of the Devil to extort money from the masses. On the other hand, All Religions have no place in the Kingdom of God. They turn the hearts of people away from God and against each other. They divert man’s worship away from God to idols; images; other false gods; man; nature etc., which is Idolatry. God sees you not through your religion but either as a Saint or Sinner.
Today is the Day of Salvation. The ONLY place of safety is our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, the Spiritual Ark of Safety of this Age. Not in Religions, Churches, or Politics which have no place in this Spiritual Ark of Safety. Enter today and be SAVED!
ACTION: Repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins maybe forgiven and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour; and be baptized every one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ by Immersion, before it is too late. THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS AT HAND!!!