Do You Know Who Is Jesus?
Jesus Is The Christ The Son Of The Living GodThis question of “Who is Jesus”, is certainly no ordinary question, for it has baffled since BIBLICAL TIMES great religious leaders and even historians. Even today many so-called Christians and theologians the world over still live-in doubt as regards the true identity of this Jesus of Nazareth. For instance, many confess him as Almighty God, while others simply regard him as an ordinary man of an ordinary sinful nature. But the question is, are these people right to believe what they believe, or are they being deceived by Satan and his ministers, into believing a false doctrine that the Bible does not account for? To be absolutely sure whether or not you are deceived let us take a divine look into the gospel according to St. Matthew Chapter 16 verses 13-18. Here in these six irrefutable scripture verses, it is hoped that Almighty God will reveal the indubitable answer to this controversial question of, “Who is Jesus”:
13. When Jesus came into the coast of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, whom do men say that I the son of man am?
14. And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets.
15. He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?
16. And Simon Peter answered and said, THOU ART THE CHRIST, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD.
17. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: FOR FLESH AND BLOOD HATH NOT REVEALED IT UNTO TO THEE, BUT MY FATHER WHICH IS IN HEAVEN.
18. And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this Rock (meaning the revelation of who he is in verse 16) I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not PREVAIL AGAINST IT.
In verses 13 and 14 it can be seen where the people in that day were confused and in doubt as to the true identity of Jesus Christ as it is today, in that the whole religious world is in spiritual chaos and confusion. Therefore, to clarify the issue Jesus again asked the question in verse 15 and consequently the true revelation was given on this occasion to Peter by the Father in verse 16, that JESUS IS THE CHRIST THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD! This is however further confirmed in verse 17 when Jesus answered and said that the revelation was not given by FLESH AND BLOOD or through man’s wisdom or intellect but by the Father which is in heaven.
Jesus is called the Son of God in all four gospels: example, Mt.16:16; Mark 1:1, 11; Luke 1:32,35; 3:22; John 3:16; 5:25.
Jesus called himself the Son of God (John 5:25) and three times Jesus openly declared “I am the Son of God”; (Mark 14:61-62; John 9:35-37; 10:36).
Mark, John, John the Baptist, Nathaniel, Peter, Martha, the disciples, the Angel Gabriel, evil spirits, the Eunuch, Apostle Paul and many more called Jesus, “THE SON OF GOD”. (Mk.1:1; John 3:16,18; 1:34,49; Mt.16:16; John 11:27; Mt.14:33; Lk.1:32,35; Mt.8:29; Mk.3:11; 5:7; Acts 8:37; Acts 9:20).
God Himself declares very emphatically on numerous occasions that Jesus Christ is His own Beloved Son. (Mt.3:17; 17:5; Mark 1:11; 9:7; Lk.3:22; 9:35).
Here are some very important doctrinal statements about “Who Is Jesus:
1. Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God, as proven above from the holy scriptures, and is therefore not Almighty God or the Holy Spirit as proclaimed by all the established churches. Therefore, the belief in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit is a false doctrine and does not agree with the Word of God. (Ep.4:4-6; 1 Cor.8:6; John 17:1-3).
2. Anyone who denies that Jesus is the Son of God or make him God is Antichrist. (1 Jn.4:3,15; 1Jn.2:21-25; 2 Jn 7-11).
3. In order to confess THE TRUE IDENTITY OF JESUS CHRIST the person must first and foremost receive the witness or revelation by the Holy Ghost. (1 Cor.12:3; 1 Jn.4:1-2).
4. The true Church of Jesus Christ which is being prepared for him by the Father through the Holy Spirit will be founded and be built upon the ROCK or the revelation of who he is (Mt.16:18), that is the Christ the Son of the living God. There is no other foundation. (1 Cor.3:11).
5. If anyone denies the record, the witness or revelation that Almighty God give of His Son will make Him (God) a liar! (1 Jn.5:9,10). It is impossible for God to tell a lie, the Devil does and he is the father of lies (Jn.8:44). One will become a liar by denying that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God (1 Jn.2:22,23). Why would God want to tell a lie about His only begotten son?
6. Jesus Christ is the beginning of the creation of God. Meaning that God began creation by first creating Jesus Christ. (Rev.3:14; Rom.8:29; Col.1:15-19; Heb.1:6). Jesus Christ is also referred to in the scriptures as the First and the Last. (Rev.1:10,11). Jesus Christ is also the way to God and our mediator. (Jn.14:6; 1 Tim.2:5). God is the Head of Christ. (1 Cor.11:3). God is greater than Christ (Jn.14:28). There is none good but God alone (Mt.19:16-17). God and him alone knows the day and the hour of the return of His son Jesus Christ (Mk.13:32).
7. Not even names nor titles, principalities or powers, man, the Trinity doctrine is able to change Jesus Christ from being who he was, who he is, and who he will always be: THE CHRIST, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD.