Confession Of Faith

What The True Worshipper Believes

The True Worshipper Believes:

In the sovereignty of the One True God Jehovah, the Son-ship of Jesus Christ the Messiah and the person of the Holy Ghost.

In the Virgin Birth of Christ, his Death, Burial, Resurrection, Ascension and Second Coming.

That the Holy Ghost was sent down from heaven by the Father of all Spirits on the day of Pentecost, to be the Comforter, Teacher, Guide, Baptizer and seal of the believer.

In the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, inclusive of the Gifts of Healing, the Working of Miracles, the Gift of Prophecy and Diverse Tongues.

In the Born-Again experience, and in the Holy Ordinance of Water Baptism in the name of Jesus Christ by Immersion, which is the pre-requisite to receiving the Holy Spirit.

That the Appearing of Christ for His Church of which He is Head, is a Spiritual Organism built upon the Revelation of who He is, will occur sometime during the Noahismic Period of this Age, and most assuredly before the great Tribulation.

That God is the Head of Christ, Christ is the Head of the man and the man is the Head of the woman.

That the Ordination of Women as Priests, the adorning of gold, or pearls, or costly array, the cutting and plaiting of the hair, praying or prophesying without a devotional covering over the head, the wearing of anything as pertaining to a man’s garment, or being immodest in her apparel is an abomination to Jehovah God.

In the creation of New Heavens, and a New Earth, the Resurrection of the Dead, the Eternal Damnation of the Wicked in Hell, and the Eternal abode of the Righteous in God’s New Kingdom.

That the consummation of all things, and the creation of new Heavens and a new Earth will be preceded by the 1000 years reign of Christ on earth.

That no one in Christ is bound by the mosaic law or any other law, to surrender a tenth of his or her earnings to any church or organization.

That the churches are neither hot nor cold, but are lukewarm, and naked, and blind, and devoid of the Holy Spirit.

In the Worship of the One True God Jehovah, through Jesus Christ His Son in the Holy Spirit.

He believes that the Church Ages have come to a close, the Seals have gone into fulfillment, the Noahismic Period of this Age is here, and the Appearing of Christ is Imminent.

He believes that the Original King James Version of the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and that nothing should be taken out or added thereto. Amen